The Scientific Bible
“If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you; he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.” Romans 8:11
Please excuse a controversial opening, but sometimes the Bible can get downright scientific. Here, we find Paul using a classic “if/then” statement. IF this is true, THEN this is also true.
His hypothesis alone would be encouraging enough. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the grave is dwelling in me? You mean the same Spirit that gave him the power to walk on water? To heal the sick? To turn water into wine? The same Spirit that helped breath life into creation, that same Spirit lives in me? Just imagine the implications of that. The truth is, if Christ dwells in our hearts, then by his Spirit we are far more powerful than we think, and then certainly more powerful than anything this world has to throw at us.
But Paul doesn’t leave us with just an empty proposition. The conclusion, the ‘then’ of his statement is even better. If it is true that the resurrection Spirit of God resides in our hearts, then we will also share in his resurrection. Just as death could not hold Jesus, death is also powerless to hold any who profess him as Lord and live by his Spirit. This of course applies to the end of our lives when we will enter into eternity. But it also speaks hope into every “dead” situation, relationship or dream in our lives.
When we look at our broken marriages, where all connection and passion have died, we have a greater hope. The same power that raised Christ from the dead can also raise your marriage.
When we are caught in addiction, feeling trapped in the grave we have dug for ourselves, our story is not over if we are in Christ. The same grave busting power can bring healing.
The imputed nature of his resurrecting Spirit means that death, demons, height, depth, fear, addiction, nothing has the last word. Nothing, and no one, except Jesus Christ.
PRAYER: Dear God, I thank you today for your resurrection power. Thank you, Jesus for your sacrificial love poured out on the cross and your might showcased through the resurrection. Thank you, God for generously pouring out your resurrecting Spirit on all who are in Christ. I pray that I would allow that truth to liberate me from my bondage today and to live full on for you.