The Greatest Tool For Strengthening Your Faith
“I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands.” -Psalm 143:10
No doubt, God can be experienced in a moment. Through divine intervention of the Holy Spirit, God can speak to us in powerful ways at a church service, or a conference, or youth camp. Often times, it is after these types of events that we walk away feeling so empowered in our walk. This of course is a good thing.
However, we cannot simply rely on the inspiring teaching or passionate songs of others to push and pull us on our faith journey. In the day to day, hum drum of life, we have a responsibility to seek a stronger faith if we truly desire to serve Jesus. This is important, but it also can seem intimidating. We may find ourselves saying, ‘I’m not a pastor’, ‘a worship leader’, ‘a theologian’. And while Christian community and biblical teaching play an instrumental role in the journey of faith, they are not the only ways in which we grow. There are spiritual disciplines that we don’t need to go to a worship gathering in order to practice on a daily basis.
Here, we see David strengthened in his resolve simply by taking time to meditate and ponder on the goodness of God. What greater exercise do we have to strengthen our faith than that of remembering? When we remember what God has done in our past, it gives us greater hope for what he’s doing in our present. Take some time today to meditate on the goodness of God that has been expressed both through scripture and in your life.
PRAYER: Father God, I remember the good deeds that you have done. I mediate on your goodness. I ponder your faithfulness, and I am encouraged. I pray that your mercies would be ever present in my mind, and that the truth of your character would take root in my heart for all the days to come.