Declare His Glory
“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus…” Colossians 3:17
The mission of the great commission is just this, to make the name of Jesus known in all the earth. We do this through the practice of evangelism, by spreading the good news. But what exactly does that mean?
Evangelism, at it’s most basic form, means zealous advocacy for a cause or movement. Often when we think of the most famous evangelists throughout Christian history, names like Billy Graham, Dwight L. Moody, Oral Roberts, or Aimee McPherson come to mind. You’ll notice that all of these individuals are famous preachers. They declared the glory of God, and brought many to faith in him by using their gifts of teaching and communication. It would be really easy to assume that if we do not have such a gift, that we have very little power to evangelize for Christ. This would be easy, it would also be a mistake.
Declaring God’s glory and sharing the good news with others cannot only be done through words. No doubt, words have might, but for some of us God works most powerfully through our deeds. To give generously, that’s good news. To provide food for a family in need, that’s a testament to your faith. Being an excellent, yet humble presence in your work place can be just as powerful as a revival sermon.
We cannot limit God’s ability to use us simply to those who preach his word verbally. Sometimes, God uses some of us in the pew, rather than on the pulpit. God is revealing his glory to the world in a variety of different ways. And so God desires for there to be a diverse declaration of his glory from his people.
If God has given you words, then speak for him. If God has given you brains, then solve problems for him. If God has given you dance moves, then dance for him. If God has given you a hospitable spirit, then host people for him.
There is an unfathomable number of ways to declare the glory of the Lord. So whatever you do, do it in the name of Jesus.
PRAYER: Lord, I thank you that you are revealing your glory to us every day. Help me, Father, in everything I do to declare your glory through my words, actions, thoughts, relationships, and every other part of me.