A Rooted Foundation
“Blessed is the man…whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields it’s fruit in season, and its leaf does not wither." -Psalm 1:2-3
Two years ago, my wife and I stood on the altar. Actually, it was more like a piece of shiplap. You know those Pinterest weddings. We stood on the banks of a river, surrounded by trees, and made our vows to love one another always. Selflessly, mercifully, and sacrificially.
Then, instead of lighting the traditional unity candle, we decided to get a little dirty. We planted a tree together. We had known for a long time that we wanted Psalm 1 to be at the center of not only our ceremony, but our entire marriage.
In this Psalm, the writer uses the metaphor of “a tree planted by streams of water” to describe the walk of the righteous. Essentially, the scripture is encouraging us that those who choose to walk with God and who “on his law meditate day and night” will “yield fruit in season,” and their “leaf does not wither.”
This is the type of marriage I dream of building. And beyond that, this is the type of life God calls us to build. In every relationship, job, interaction, struggle, and celebration, God calls us to plant our roots in Jesus, the living water. His love, grace, compassion, and strength will be our source of growth, even in times of drought.
When our roots grow deep, our faith grows deeper.
PRAYER: Dear God, thank you for giving me a place where I can firmly root my life. I pray that you would give me the faith, trust, and discipline to daily mediate on your word and grow my roots deeper into your heart.