Where To Find God...Everytime
“For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them.” -Matthew 18:20
It astounds me that I have only ever heard this verse quoted from while sitting in some sort of worship gathering or church service. Yes, it is incredibly encouraging to be reminded that every time we get together, whether at Sunday morning service, Tuesday night small group, or Saturday afternoon lunch, the Spirit of the living God is there with us.
What surprises me is that this verse is not more often used as an encouragement to draw people into community. The big take away we have from this verse is that where people are found, God is there also. God loves people, and this passage makes it clear that it is in community that God is guaranteed to be found. When we are caught in isolation, this verse should be a beacon of hope, pulling us into Christ-centered community, where the face of God will be revealed in others.
So next time you’re feeling alone, or like God isn’t there, go hang out with some people. Because…where two of more are gathered, right?
PRAYER: Dear Lord, I thank you for the love you have for people, and for your presence among us. I pray that as I draw out of isolation and into community that I would meet you there, Father. Give me the courage to gather with others in your name, so that I may experience your presence more deeply in my life.