It Gets Better
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed to us.” -Romans 8:18
The message of christianity could be summed up in three simple words: it gets better. It doesn’t get better in the sense that all of our problems are miraculously solved the minute we come to know Jesus. Paul, at the point of writing this has had a face to face encounter with the resurrected Christ, and yet he still experienced much present suffering.
“It gets better”, refers to the promise of hope that we have because of our relationship with Christ.
“It gets better” refers to the truth that sin, brokenness, death, and destruction do not have the last word.
“It gets better” refers not only to one bright morning when we fly away to heaven, but it refers to those innumerable, indescribable moments when God’s eternal light bursts through the darkness of our current situation.
There is a light that is dawning, and the glory it brings will far outweigh any momentary, earthly struggle we face in the present age. That is the hope we have. It gets better.
PRAYER: God, I thank you for the hope we have in Jesus. I thank you that death does not have the last word, and for your glory that you are revealing each and every day. Father, I pray that you would give me strength and expectation to wait eagerly up your glory that will be revealed.