Love By Example
"We love because he first loved us” -1 John 4:19
If you want the team you’re leading to do something, or to make a change, the leader must be willing to take action first. This is something I believe wholeheartedly about leadership, and I try to put it into practice as much as possible.
If you want your small group to open up and share with vulnerability, you must open up first.
If you want your employees to start working harder, you have to double down as well.
If you want your kids to respect their mother, you gotta change the way you treat your wife also.
At times, it can feel like God is asking a lot of us. To give, to serve, to live righteously, to sacrifice for the good of others, to lay down our lives! The list goes on and on. The encouragement we have as Christians is that we worship a God who moves first. Everything God calls us to do, he has already done it. He has gone ahead of us and set the example.
God calls us to serve because he first served us.
God calls us to sacrifice because he gave his only son on the cross.
God calls us to love with everything we have because he has been pouring his love out since the beginning of time.
God’s commands are not empty, proud statutes, but they are a call to imitate what he has already done, so that we can become more like him.
PRAYER: God, I thank you for your commands and laws. I thank you that you lead by example, and teach me how to follow them. I pray that you would help me to be more faithful to everything you have called me to today. Help me give, serve, and love just as you have already done.