Where You Look Is Where You Land
“I keep my eyes on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” -Psalm 16:8
Here’s something for you: Where you look is where you land.
When I look to the things of this world for my comfort and support, I will land on unstable ground where I will eventually stumble and fall.
When I look to myself for strength, I will land face first on the pavement every time life beats me up.
When I look to my talents or my relationships for ultimate meaning, significance, and love, I will land in a pit of depression, codependency, and self-loathing every time they fall short of what I need.
But when I look to the Lord, when I walk with Jesus at my right hand, I land on a path of righteousness. I land in the assembly of the forgiven. I land in hope. I land in healing. I land in restoration. When I look to the Lord, when I fix my eyes on him, then nothing formed against me shall stand. I will not be shaken, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever.
PRAYER: Thank you, Lord, that you are the only true source of everything I need. I pray that today, I would fix my eyes on you, and that as I do so, you may establish me in your will, so that I may walk with you and not be shaken.